
East Sussex Massage has united forces with Annie Cheadle from Annie’s Yoga, to provide you with guided yoga stretches to help enhance your rehabilitation. If you would like more information about Annie please visit her website.

Your therapist at East Sussex Massage will offer advice concerning which stretches below are best suited for your treatment plan, to support your recovery, promote your health and prevent the risks of your symptoms reoccurring.

Neck & Shoulder Stretch

Yoga Osteo Neck Stretch

Neck: Sitting

Yoga Osteo Shoulder & Neck Stretch

Neck and Shoulder: Sitting

Yoga Osteo Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder (Posterior): Sitting

Yoga Osteo Intense Front Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder (Anterior): In Doorway

Yoga Osteo Forearm Stretch

Forearm: Sitting

Yoga Osteo Wrist Stretch

Wrist: On the floor

Chest Stretch

Yoga Osteo Shoulder & Chest Stretch (ANTERIOR)

Shoulder and Chest (Anterior): Against the wall

Yoga Osteo Chest Stretch

Chest: Standing

Yoga Osteo Intense Front Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder (Anterior): In Doorway

Upper Back Stretch

Yoga Osteo Between The Shoulder Blades Stretch

Between the Shoulder Blades: Sitting

Yoga Osteo Upper Back Stretch

Upper Back: Sitting

Yoga Osteo Upper Back Stretch

Upper Back: On the floor

Side Body Stretch

Yoga Osteo Side Body Stretch

Strong Side Body Stretch: Standing

Low Back Stretch

Yoga Osteo Lower Back Stretch

Child’s Pose: Kneeling on the floor

Yoga Osteo Lower Back Stretch

Cat Cow: On hands and knees

Yoga Osteo Lower Back Stretch

Knee hugs: Lying on the floor

Yoga Osteo Lower Back Stretch

Forward Fold: Standing

Hip Stretch

Yoga Osteo Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip Flexor: On one knee

Yoga Osteo Piriformis/Buttock and Outside Hip Stretch

Gentle Piriformis/Buttock and Outside Hip: Sitting on the floor

Yoga Osteo Strong Piriformis, Buttock & Outside Hip Stretch

Strong Piriformis/Buttock and Outside Hip: Sitting

Lower Limb Stretch

Yoga Osteo Quad Stretch

Gentle Quad: Standing

Yoga Osteo Intense Quad Stretch

Intense Quad: On one Knee

Yoga Osteo Hamstring Stretch

Intense Hamstring: Kneeling on one knee

Ankle Stretch

Yoga Osteo Seated Ankle Stretch

Ankle: Sitting

Yoga Osteo Calf Stretch

Gentle Calf: Standing

Yoga Osteo Strong Ankle & Calf Stretch

Strong Ankle and Calf: Standing against a wall

Yoga Osteo Advanced Calf Stretch

Advanced Calf: Standing